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Customer satisfaction research services and capabilities

By monitoring the satisfaction levels of your clients over time your whole organization can make strategic decisions based on the insights. NewtonX B2B customer satisfaction surveys highlight different areas of the customer experience, which can be used to the benefit of different departments, such as:

  • Product: You can drive successful product development by prioritizing the needs and pain points that emerge from CSAT scores
  • Marketing: Use what your clients really love about your product or service to generate messaging that highlights these positives
  • Sales: Improve customer service at every stage by addressing any issues that customers express during the research

Customer satisfaction research strengthens your relationships with clients because you’re using the insights to regularly discover the answers to 2 key questions:

  • What do you love about our brand/product/service/service?
  • What else can we do to make you happy?

Measuring and optimizing your customers’ experiences improves your relationship with existing customers and generates a positive reputation for your brand. Delighted clients spend more, remain loyal and promote your organization just by sharing their genuine happiness with their whole experience. 

Regularly taking the temperature of your customer satisfaction levels means that you’ll notice any downturn in the scores immediately. You can take evasive or reparatory action quickly, to reduce customer churn and protect your reputation. 

Customer satisfaction research to deliver both scale and specificity

Our technology reaches across 140+ industries to give you the scale of a panel combined with the depth of an expert network. From professionals en masse to niche, hard-to-find audiences, the NewtonX Knowledge Graph can find the exact people to deliver the business insights you need. We’re the only customer loyalty research agency that’s developed proprietary research technology to keep up with market demands. Here’s just a sampling of who we pinpoint, for everything from 5,000+ participant surveys to curated groups of in-depth interviews.



  • Cryptocurrency specialists advising on hedge fund projects 
  • Advertising professionals overseeing brand spend
  • Reddit users that visit Reddit for NSFW content
  • IT decision-makers evaluating cloud software services

Want to see how NewtonX can help you?

customer satisfaction research
customer satisfaction research
customer satisfaction research
customer satisfaction research

How to measure customer satisfaction

There are a variety of different metrics you can use to measure customer satisfaction. 

To get an holistic view of your customer satisfaction levels, you need to complement this quantitative data with qualitative and behavioral insights. This list of metrics will tell you the what, but you need different kinds of expert surveys and interviews to tell you the why. 

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

As previously mentioned, this is designed to find out how satisfied a customer is with one particular interaction or experience with your product or service. Respondents answer on a Likert scale that gives them options ranging from ‘very unsatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’. Taken on average, you get an overall level of customer satisfaction with that element of your clients’ interaction with your company.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

This is another ‘one question, answer on a scale’ survey. It’s designed to elicit a gauge of customer loyalty. Questions are usually framed ‘on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our brand/product/service to a friend or colleague?’ 

Customer effort score (CES)

How easy is it for clients to book an appointment, or fill in a form, or complete a purchase? The CES measures how much effort a client needs to put in, to get to the end of a task with your organization. Again, it’s one question with a scaled answer: ‘How easy was it to get in touch today?’ 

Customer churn rate

This is taken from your own internal data that records how many clients stop using your products or services between 2 date points. 

Retention rate

 Another figure that you already monitor. Your retention rate is expressed as a percentage of your clients who keep doing business with you between 2 dates. The figure that proves your level of customer loyalty.

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

How much will you make from each client during their entire relationship with your business?

path to purchase research


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Take it from the world’s leading companies.

NewtonX’s platform gives us continued confidence that we’re sourcing the highest quality data to drive critical business decisions.

Jason Talwar
Insights Executive with 15+ years of experience (Salesforce, Tableau, Microsoft)

I was really excited when we found NewtonX. Their Custom Recruiting has genuinely been a game changer for us in terms of data quality. Not only do I have much greater trust in the data, but the variation in the data means I can more easily provide actionable direction for our product and marketing teams without finding myself rationalizing away bad data.

Matt Harris Senior Customer Research & Insights Manager

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