[Report] The Digital Lead: 2024 Ad Insights & Tech Trends

April 30, 2024

NewtonX and Material uncover shifts in ad and media strategy, revealing how marketers are using social media and capitalizing on AI.

2024 is shaping up to be a wild ride for advertisers, with seismic shifts in ad targeting, the meteoric rise of TikTok, the looming end of cookies, and the potential of AI. After a brief slowdown in 2023, ad spending is set to soar, with 56% of agencies and advertisers expecting budget increases. But with so many options and uncertainties, where should they place their bets?

Material and NewtonX joined forces and surveyed 250 advertising decision makers to help brands navigate the ride. The mission? Arming advertisers with insights to make smarter ad investment choices and stay ahead of the curve in a world that’s changing faster than you can scroll through your TikTok feed.

Download the report below.

NewtonX Ad Insights and Tech Trends

Key findings:

  • TikTok’s Meteoric Rise: TikTok emerges as the star of the show, captivating advertisers in pursuit of younger audiences, and emerging as the frontrunner in increased usage among marketers, hinting at untapped potential and unforeseen opportunities.
  • Facebook and Instagram: Powerhouses Persist: Amidst the upheaval, Facebook and Instagram maintain their dominance, serving as steadfast pillars of advertising success and absorbing the bulk of ad spend.
  • AI: The Future Unfolds: While the promise of AI looms large, questions linger about its concrete impact on targeting efficiency and cost optimization. 
  • Spending on the Rise: Over half of agencies and advertisers anticipate budget expansions in the coming year, signaling optimism and growth in the industry. 
  • Cookie Deprecation at a Surprising Standstill: Despite the looming deadline, advertising professionals exhibit only moderate concern regarding third-party cookie depreciation, showcasing resilience in the face of change.

The Digital Lead report is your guide to connecting advertising and technology, helping you make informed media buying and ad investment decisions in this fast-paced digital realm.

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