Where Research is Headed, From 2023 to 2024

The Biggest Things That Happened in B2B Research in 2023

Did your research influence roadmap and strategy in the past year? Hear success stories from brands who made it work—spanning Figma, DoorDash, Adweek, Meta, The NYT, WSJ, Checkout.com, Landor & Fitch, and R/GA.

Figma finds out what makes designers happy

Content Marketing Manager Paul Trotter taps 470 product designers around the world to find the factors that make designers happier and more productive in a remote work world—publishing findings in the groundbreaking State of the Designer report. READ MORE

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Checkout.com trades dirty data for textured data

Senior Customer Research & Insights Manager Matt Harris scraps the old way of B2B research. “The variation in the data means I can trust it, and more easily provide actionable direction for our product and marketing teams without rationalizing away bad
data.” READ MORE

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Adweek quantifies the difference between great and good CMOs

Executive Editor Paul Barbagallo brings science to a squishy subject: collaboration. “Working with NewtonX was phenomenal. I saw what’s possible when editorial and research strengths are combined to provide a new premium experience for customers.”READ MORE

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The WSJ cuts through the AI haze

CMO Desk Reporter Patrick Coffey informs 3.7M+ readers: “AI Isn’t Coming for Marketers’ Jobs—Not Yet, at Least.” The Wall Street Journal surveyed 82 executives for the scoop, yielding clarity on how companies could benefit from generative AI, and what their competitors are doing. READ MORE

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R/GA wins new business with responsive
research stacks

SVP, Global Head of Insights Christian Kugel stays sharp in tough markets. “Agencies are like multidimensional puzzles, ranging in categories, markets and audiences. To solve these puzzles, we must create a research stack that allows us to flex between
these categories.” READ MORE

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Meta draws from the voice of the community

Product Manager Kris Nelson uses insights from 1,300+ professionals to build an credible and influential narrative around anti-data scraping awareness and efforts. “On top of this goal
of moving thought leadership forward, we also built a
community around it.” READ MORE

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DoorDash rethinks strategy with research

General Manager Santiago Sanchez brings discipline to hypergrowth with custom B2B research. “When we go too fast—we miss things. Partnering with NewtonX helps us minimize risk by providing the right degree of certainty in our decisions.” 

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The New York Times Advertising helps brands stay
culturally relevant

Associate Director of Cultural Insights Jordan Jones drives impact with research. “At our best, we bring a piece of thought leadership to our clients that is incredibly engaging and of the highest quality possible. One of my favorite quotes from a sales rep is: “This product helps us show up in a way that’s worthy of the NYT.”

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Landor & Fitch doesn’t risk it with convenient data

Executive Director of Insights & Analytics Maarten Lagae raises the standard. “We are often asked to look at the financial implications of large-scale brand transformations. It is critical that we use high quality data as the foundation for such important business decisions. And that is not always convenient.” READ MORE

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Figma finds out what makes designers happy

Content Marketing Manager Paul Trotter taps 470 product designers around the world to find the factors that make designers happier and more productive in a remote work world—publishing findings in the groundbreaking State of the Designer report. READ MORE

Checkout.com trades dirty data for textured data

Senior Customer Research & Insights Manager Matt Harris scraps the old way of B2B research. “The variation in the data means I can trust it, and more easily provide actionable direction for our product and marketing teams without rationalizing away bad
data.” READ MORE

Adweek quantifies the difference between great and good CMOs

Executive Editor Paul Barbagallo brings science to a squishy subject: collaboration. “Working with NewtonX was phenomenal. I saw what’s possible when editorial and research strengths are combined to provide a new premium experience for customers.”READ MORE

The WSJ cuts through the AI haze

CMO Desk Reporter Patrick Coffey informs 3.7M+ readers: “AI Isn’t Coming for Marketers’ Jobs—Not Yet, at Least.” The Wall Street Journal surveyed 82 executives for the scoop, yielding clarity on how companies could benefit from generative AI, and what their competitors are doing. READ MORE

R/GA wins new business with responsive
research stacks

SVP, Global Head of Insights Christian Kugel stays sharp in tough markets. “Agencies are like multidimensional puzzles, ranging in categories, markets and audiences. To solve these puzzles, we must create a research stack that allows us to flex between
these categories.” READ MORE

Meta draws from the voice of the community

Product Manager Kris Nelson uses insights from 1,300+ professionals to build an credible and influential narrative around anti-data scraping awareness and efforts. “On top of this goal
of moving thought leadership forward, we also built a
community around it.” READ MORE

DoorDash rethinks strategy with research

General Manager Santiago Sanchez brings discipline to hypergrowth with custom B2B research. “When we go too fast—we miss things. Partnering with NewtonX helps us minimize risk by providing the right degree of certainty in our decisions.” 

The New York Times Advertising helps brands stay
culturally relevant

Associate Director of Cultural Insights Jordan Jones drives impact with research. “At our best, we bring a piece of thought leadership to our clients that is incredibly engaging and of the highest quality possible. One of my favorite quotes from a sales rep is: “This product helps us show up in a way that’s worthy of the NYT.”

Landor & Fitch doesn’t risk it with convenient data

Executive Director of Insights & Analytics Maarten Lagae raises the standard. “We are often asked to look at the financial implications of large-scale brand transformations. It is critical that we use high quality data as the foundation for such important business decisions. And that is not always convenient.” READ MORE

What’s Next for 2024: Predictions From The NewtonX Execs

Everything’s changing, all the time. Hear the opportunities that our leaders see in this. 

Sascha Eder

Surveys for data at scale are the new formula for alpha

Sascha Eder, CEO & Co-Founder

Investors are realizing that surveys provide an alternate source for data they can’t get anywhere else (NPS scores, product pricing, switching behavior, etc.). While surveys have been neglected for years, the tech has advanced. Surveys are now imperative for getting an edge. Top funds will turn to investment research platforms to run surveys and save time over expert interviews.

Aarti Desai

High dry powder levels demand scalable research

Aarti Desai, RVP of Financial Services

The amount of dry powder out there has reached historical levels, which means in 2024 investors will face more pressure for portfolio growth. There will be more deals this year that will require proper due diligence. Investors need confidence in the data to validate decisions, which require new tools and expert intelligence platforms to support.

Jackie Cutrone

B2B brands get their glow up with custom research

Jackie Cutrone, CMO

As marketing budgets tighten, brands are looking to work smarter. It’s time to market solutions, not features. As a result, enterprise marketing teams are investing in high quality thought leadership that teaches us something new. This requires custom, never-before-seen research. Brands that respect the customer’s intelligence will win with data and win the day.

GTM strategy goes back to the basics: Do your research

Tim Bruno, CRO

How do you unlock sustainable growth? The answer isn’t a new tactic, or a new tool.  While you can’t just rely on the old model, new ways can be mistakes just as they can be opportunities. In an age of new shiny tools, we’re seeing the sharpest enterprises stick to the foundation: understanding the customer.

Leon Mishkis

End-to-end automation multiplies research impact

Leon Mishkis, COO

Automation will increase the focus on good data. From research design to running analytics, the top research teams and vendors will build automation and AI-enabled efficiencies into every step of the process. High quality primary research data will be the heart of any operation. Everything else around it will be automated or commoditized. 

Kurt Schulze

AI expedites insights from primary research at scale

Kurt Schulze, Head of Client Delivery

Engagement with AI will be a big one in 2024. In the research process, clients are asking: How will we use AI to engage with the data and draw insights at scale? And applied to business outcomes: How are our competitors implementing AI for growth? There’s a whole ecosystem around the opportunities and fears that’s showing no slowing down.

Patiwat Panurach

Yes, you can do more research with fewer teammates

Patiwat Panurach, VP of Strategic Insights & Analytics

It’s clear in 2024: we need to do more with less resources. That said, the need for insights hasn’t gone away. The world’s not changing any less. And so we’re seeing our client partnerships become more strategic. High growth companies are looking to full service research partners to analyze insights cost effectively and augment internal teams.

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